Friday, February 1, 2013

A Little About Me

You've already seen why this blog exists, and soon enough you'll get to follow me along on my adventure through Service Learning.  But before all of that you should probably get acquainted with me. 

My name is Halley and I'm a senior graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biology in May, 2013.  My main research interest while at UWM has been in microbiology, and I have been fortunate in my time here to be able to participate in undergraduate research for both credit and payment via grant money by the Office of Undergraduate Research and the National Science Foundation.   Even luckier for me was that in my time here I was able to help on research that lead to a publication in the Journal of Bacteriology (Rhodes, R.G., H.G. Pucker and M.J McBride. 2011. Development and use of a gene deletion strategy for Flavobacterium johnsoniae to identify the redundant gliding motility genes remF, remG, remH andremI. J. Bacteriol. 193(10):2418-2428.) 

My time in classes and lab have helped me to discover two things:

1. I miss being outdoors (Seriously, being cooped up in a lab during the summer can drive a girl crazy!)
2. If I'm going to be stuck in a lab, I want to be somehow helping the environment which I so dearly miss while being cooped up

It is due to my ambition for the outdoors that I would like to pursue environmental microbiology for post undergraduate work.  I fell in love with water testing and everything wrapped up in it thanks to my Public Health Microbiology course and Environmental Microbiology course, and if that's the route that I end up taking, so be it.

Aside from my academic life, I also enjoy:

Being outdoors/backpacking/hiking
Reading nerdy books
And hanging out with my little white dog

Hopefully this blog will be an excellent trip in getting to know me!

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